Diseases to be cautious during flood

Diseases to be cautious during flood

Water-borne diseases
Waterborne diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms that most commonly are                        transmitted in contaminated fresh water.
·         Cholera : acute intestinal infection
            Cause: drinking water or eating food contaminated with the bacterium Vibrio  

            Symptoms: profuse watery diarrhea and vomiting, rapid loss of body fluids                                                        can lead to dehydration and shock, and without treatment, death can                                               occur within hours.

            Treatment:Oral rehydration solution. Intravenous fluids and antibiotics.


·         Hepatitis A: inflammation of the liver
            Causes: by the virus hepatitis A.
            Symptoms: fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, low-grade fever, pale stools, dark                                                  urine, Skin and eyes may also become yellow
            Treatment: taking a good rest, and avoiding alcohol and fatty/oily foods,vaccines

Vector-borne disease
Vector-borne diseases are transmitted to humans by an insect.
·       Malaria

Causes: caused by parasites transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito,infecting the                red blood cells.

Symptoms: fever, chills, headaches, muscle pain, and anemia.

Treatment: Antimalaria drugs


·         West Nile virus

Causes: transmitted by mosquitoes.

Symptoms: mild flu-like symptoms

Treatment: intravenous fluids, pain medication 

West Nile


If you find out that you have this symptom please refer your Doctor or Pharmacist as soon as possible. Stay with our Channel on Facebook Instagram and our FB Page (I Am Healthy) for more info and current issue that we're focusing on from time to time. Don't forget to share your opinion and experience with us. Sharing is Caring!!.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure


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