Diabetes Mellitus

Is a condition when glucose is not absorbed into the cells. Thus, it leads glucose to accumulate in blood circulation.

How body react to glucose in blood ?

It is important to know that insulin has an important role in controlling blood glucose level. Cells need insulin to be able to absorb glucose.

Screening for diabetes :
Normal Range :
Fasting blood glucose level   : 3.5-5.5 mmol/L
2-hours post-prandial          : 6.0-8.0 mmol/L
Random blood glucose level : 3.5 – 7.7mmol/L

Sign and symptoms of diabetes mellitus:
Weight loss
 Slow wound healing

Complication of diabetes mellitus:

Chronic kidney disease
 Foot problems – gangrene, foot ulcer, amputation.
Nerve damage (Neuropathy)
Heart attack

Type of diabetes mellitus :
                                Type 1 diabetes mellitus
Ø  Childhood diabetes
Ø  Caused by inadequate production of insulin (Beta cell destroyed due to autoimmune attacks)
Ø  Controlled by insulin injection

 Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Ø  Occurs after the age of 40 and obese
Ø  Pancreas retain some Beta cell function but inadequate insulin response

 Gestational diabetes
Ø  Temporary condition that occur during pregnancy
Ø  Increase risk of developing diabetes in mother and child.

Goals of therapy in diabetes:

HbA1c test : <7.0 %
Preprandial capillary plasma glucose : 3.9-7.2 mmol/L
Peak postprandial capillary plasma glucose : <10mmol/L
Blood Pressure: 140/80

How to Manage diabetes :

        Glycemic control : diet/lifestyle modification, exercise, medication
      Treat associated condition such as dyslipidemia, obese and hypertension
      Screen/ manage complication of diabetes such as retinopathy, Cardiovascular disease, neuropathy, nephropathy and foot ulcer. Patients need to check their condition at least once a year.

Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus
  •         For type 1 DM patients, they depend on exogenous insulin.
  •         For type 2 DM, they need to maintain glucose concentrations within normal limits to prevent long term complications. Thus, Oral hypoglycemic agents can be given. Type 2 patient also may need exogenous insulin in long term condition.

Type of Oral Hypoglycemic Agents :
  1.  Insulin secretagogues : promote insulin release from B-cells
  •  Sulfonylurea
  •  Non-sulfonylurea
  •  Incretins effects
  2.   Insulin sensitizer: increase glucose uptake into the cell.
  • biguanide: metformin
  • thiazolidinediones
   3.   Alpha-Glucosidase inhibitors: delay carbohydrate digestion by inhibiting the enzyme.

Important adverse effects and expectation:

   1. Sulfonylurea : weight gain, hyperinsulinemia, hypoglycemia.
  2.  Insulin sensitizer: not common cause hypoglycemia (unless combine), drug interaction-cimetidine,      furosemide,nifedipine.
3. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitor : flatulence, diarrhea, cramping. Should not combine with metformin (decrease bioavailability)

For more information, you can refer to the video below :

What is diabetes? Causes and Symptoms.


If you find out that you have this symptom please refer your Doctor or Pharmacist as soon as possible. Stay with our Channel on Facebook Instagram and our FB Page (I Am Healthy) for more info and current issue that we're focusing on from time to time. Don't forget to share your opinion and experience with us. Sharing is Caring!!.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

1. http://www.webmd.com/diabetes/guide/types-of-diabetes-mellitus#1
2. http://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/diabetes-mellitus-an-overview
3. http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/27/suppl_1/s5
4. Management of Diabetes Mellitus, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9ivR4y03DE 
6. Clinical Practice Guidelines Malaysia.
7. http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/2172160-overview
8. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/722513_3 


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