Know more about Aids
World Aids day
The 1st of December marks World AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). AIDS is a medical condition which makes a person's immune system weaker and thus vulnerable to infections and diseases.
HIV can be transmitted through bodily fluids such as semen, vaginal fluids, blood and breast milk. Infection with HIV could cause AIDS but it's possible to be HIV positive and not have AIDS. If the infected person is not treated, HIV infection could eventually develop into AIDS.
- At the end of 2015, according to the United Nations, around 36.7 million people all over the world were living with HIV.
- HIV can be transmitted via:
- Contact with sexual fluids during unprotected sex with someone infected with HIV.
- Childbirth, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- Blood transfusion but in developed countries, this doesn't usually happen due to screenings.
- Sharing needles or reusing syringes contaminated with blood from a HIV infected person.
- HIV cannot be transmitted via
- Hug
- Shaking hands
- Sneezing
- Sharing toilets, towel and cutlery
- Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
- Casual contact

- To date, there is still no vaccine or cure for HIV or AIDS but treatment can slow the progression of the disease.
If you're worried that you may have been exposed to HIV, do go to any government health clinic and ask the healthcare professional on duty for HIV screening. To protect your privacy, any personal information and your test results will be kept confidential.
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